Investor tools

There are many reference sites that you may wish to refer to when managing your finances. At Ford Scott, we assist a wide spectrum of clients in their various financial endeavors. A key part of this is identifying informative tools that you can access easily to educate yourself:

Keeping track of your super

There are billions of dollars left unattended in inactive superannuation funds. This link from the Australian Taxation Office provides information about keeping track of your super in Australia.

Australian Stock Exchange (ASX)

For those clients who have an interest in or are invested in the Australian Share Market. This link allows clients to view the market at any given time whilst also providing the capability to quote the actual price of a specific stock (20 minute delay) throughout the trading day


A relevant website that provides up to date information that is impacting the financial planning industry. As a member of the FAAA, Ford Scott strictly adheres to the FAAA Code of Ethics and the regulations that form part of providing appropriate financial advice.

ASIC’s Money Smart

For clients who wish to view industry regulations and legislation, this website provides up-to-date information on the financial planning industry.